Prof. RNDr. Zdeněk Ryjáček, DrSc.


Department:  Department of Mathematics, Technická 2967/8, 301 00 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Office: UC-229
Phone: +420 377 632 637
E-mail: ryjacek (at)
Official web page

For UWB students (in Czech)


[Published papers]   [Textbooks (in Czech)]   [Graph Theory Hymn]

Submitted manuscripts

  • Every 4-connected {claw,hourglass}-free graph is 2-Hamiltonian (with P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Preprint, submitted.

  • A closure for 2-Hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs (with P. Vrána, Plzeň, and L. Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Preprint, submitted.

  • Published papers

  • Every 3-connected {K1,33}-free graph is Hamilton-connected (with A. Kabela, M. Skyvová and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 348 (2025), 114305.

  • A closure for Hamilton-connectedness in {K1,33}-free graphs (with A. Kabela, M. Skyvová and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024), 114154.

  • Hamilton-connected {claw,net}-free graphs, II (with P. Vrána, Plzeň, and X. Liu, L. Xiong and X. Yang, Beijing, China).
    Journal of Graph Theory 103 (2023), 119-138.

  • Hamilton-connected {claw,bull}-free graphs (with P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 102 (2023), 128–153.

  • Hamilton-connected {claw,net}-free graphs, I (with P. Vrána, Plzeň, and X. Liu, L. Xiong and X. Yang, Beijing, China).
    Journal of Graph Theory 102 (2023), 154–179.

  • Forbidden induced subgraphs for perfectness of claw-free graphs of independence at least 4 (with Ch. Brause and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany, and P. Holub, A. Kabela and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 345 (2022), 112837.

  • Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for 2-factor of connected graphs (with Přemysl Holub and Petr Vrána, Plzeň, and Shipeng Wang and Liming Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Journal of Graph Theory; 100 (2022), 209-231.

  • On exclusive sum labellings of hypergraphs (with Ch. Purcell and M. Skyvová, Plzeň, and J. Ryan, Newcastle, Australia).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 38 (2022), 46.

  • Every 3-connected {claw,Z7}-free graph of order at least 21 is Hamilton-connected (with Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 344 (2021), 112350.

  • A note on singular edges and hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices (with P. Vrána, Plzeň and L. Xiong, Beijing).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 36 (2020), 665-677.

  • Thomassen's conjecture for line graphs of 3-hypergraphs (with Binlong Li, Xi'An, China, Kenta Ozeki, Yokohama, Japan, and Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020), 111838.

  • On forbidden subgraphs for K1,3-free perfect graphs (with Christoph Brause and Ingo Schiermeyer, Germany, and Přemysl Holub, Adam Kabela and Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019), 1602-1608.

  • Closure for {K1,4,K1,4+e}-free graphs (with P. Vrána, Plzeň and Shipeng Wang, Beijing).
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 134 (2019), 239-263.

  • Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected {claw,hourglass}-free graphs (with P. Vrána, Plzeň and L. Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018), 1806-1815.

  • Characterisation of graphs with exclusive sum labelling (with M. Miller and J. Ryan, Newcastle, Australia).
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 69(3) (2017), 334-348.
    Extended abstract: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 60 (2017), 83-90.

  • Coloring the cliques of line graphs (with G. Bacsó and Zs. Tuza, Budapest, Hungary).
    Discrete Mathematics 340 (2017), 2641-2649.

  • Finite families of forbidden subgraphs for rainbow connection in graphs (with J. Brousek, P. Holub and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016), 2304-2312.

  • Rainbow cycles in edge-colored graphs (with R. Čada, Plzeň, Atsushi Kaneko, Saitama, Japan, and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Tokyo, Japan).
    Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016), 1387-1392.

  • Characterizing forbidden pairs for rainbow connection in graphs with minimum degree 2 (with P. Holub a P. Vrána, Plzeň, and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016), 1058-1068.

  • 4-colorability of P6-free graphs (with Christoph Brause and Ingo Schiermeyer, Germany, Přemysl Holub and Petr Vrána, Plzeň, and Rastislav Krivoš-Belluš, Košice, Slovakia).
    Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 49 (2015), 37-42.

  • Closure and Hamilton-connected claw-free hourglass-free graphs (with Liming Xiong and Jun Yin, China).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 31 (2015), 2369-2376.

  • Rainbow connection and forbidden subgraphs (with P. Holub and P. Vrána, Plzeň, and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015), 1706-1713.

  • 2-factors with bounded number of components in claw-free graphs (with K. Ozeki and K. Yoshimoto, Japan).
    Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015), 793-808.

  • On forbidden subgraphs and rainbow connection in graphs with minimum degree 2 (with P. Holub, Plzeň, and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015), 1-8.

  • On 1-Hamilton-connected claw-free graphs (with T. Kaiser and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 321 (2014), 1-11.

  • A closure for 1-Hamilton-connectedness in claw-free graphs (with P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 75 (2014), 358-376.

  • The rainbow connection number in 2-connected graphs (with Jan Ekstein, Přemysl Holub and Tomáš Kaiser, Plzeň, and Maria Koch, Stephan Matos Camacho and Ingo Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013), 1884-1892.

  • Stability of hereditary graph classes under closure operations (with M. Miller and J. Ryan, Newcastle, Australia, and J. Teska and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 74 (2013), 67-80.

  • On forbidden pairs implying Hamilton-connectedness (with J.R. Faudree, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA, R.J. Faudree, Memphis, Tennessee, USA, and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 72 (2013), 327-345.

  • Distance-locally disconnected graphs (with M. Miller and J. Ryan, Newcastle, Australia).
    Discusiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 33 (2013), 203-215.

  • Pairs of heavy subgraphs for Hamiltonicity of 2-connected graphs (with Binlong Li, Ying Wang a Shenggui Zhang, Xi'An, China).
    SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 26 (2012), 1088-1103.

  • Closure, clique covering and degree conditions for Hamilton-connectedness in claw-free graphs (with R. Kužel, J. Teska and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012), 2177-2189.

  • A Dirac theorem for trestles (with S. Jendroľ, Košice, Slovakia, T. Kaiser, Plzeň, and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 312 (2012) 2000-2004.

  • How many conjectures can you stand? - a survey (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands, and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 28(2012), 57-75.

  • Thomassen's conjecture implies polynomiality of 1-Hamilton-connectedness in line graphs (with R. Kužel and P. Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 69(3) (2012), 241-250.

  • Hamiltonian index is NP-complete (with Gerhard J. Woeginger, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and Liming Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011), 246-250.

  • Line graphs of multigraphs and Hamilton-connectedness of claw-free graphs (with Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 66 (2011), 152-173.

  • On stability of Hamilton-connectedness under the 2-closure in claw-free graphs (with Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Journal of Graph Theory 66 (2011), 137-151.

  • Closure and forbidden pairs for 2-factors (with Khikmat Saburov, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 1564-1572.

  • Closure concept for 2-factors in claw-free graphs (with Liming Xiong, Beijing, China, and Kiyoshi Yoshimoto, Tokyo, Japan).
    Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 1573-1579.

  • On cycle lengths in claw-free graphs with complete closure (with Zdzislaw Skupień, Krakov, Poland, and Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 310 (2010), 570-574.

  • Disjoint Hamilton cycles in the star graph (with Roman Čada and Tomáš Kaiser, Plzeň, and Moshe Rosenfeld, Tacoma, U.S.A.).
    Information Processing Letters 110 (2009), 30-35.

  • On diregularity of digraphs of defect two (with Dafik, Jember, Indonesia, M. Miller, Ballarat, Australia and C. Iliopoulos, London, Great Britáin).
    J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 71 (2009), 21-37.

  • Neighborhood unions and extremal spanning trees (with Evelyne Flandrin and Hao Li, Orsay, France, and Tomáš Kaiser and Roman Kužel, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008), 2343-2350.

  • Forbidden Subgraphs that Imply 2-Factors (with J.R. Faudree, Fairbanks, U.S.A, and R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A).
    Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008), 1571-1582.

  • Contractible Subgraphs, Thomassen's Conjecture and the Dominating Cycle Conjecture for Snarks (with Hajo Broersma, Durham, Great Britain, Gašper Fijavž, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Tomáš Kaiser, Roman Kužel and Petr Vrána, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 308 (2008), 6064-6077.
    Extended abstract: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28 (2007), 55-59.

  • Short disjoint paths in locally connected graphs (with Chuanping Chen, Beijing, China, and Roman Čada and Tomáš Kaiser, Plzeň).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 23 (2007), 509-519.

  • Hamiltonian cycles in prisms over graphs (with Tomáš Kaiser, Pilsen, Daniel Kráľ, Prague, Moshe Rosenfeld, Tacoma, U.S.A, and Heinz-Jürgen Voss, Dresden, Germany).
    Journal of Graph Theory 56 (2007), 249-269.

  • Exclusive sum labelings of trees (with Mauritsius Tuga, Mirka Miller and Joe Ryan, Ballarat, Australia).
    J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 55 (2005), 109-121.

  • The prism over the middle-levels graph is Hamiltonian (with Peter Horák and Moshe Rosenfeld, Tacoma, USA, and Tomáš Kaiser, Plzeň).
    Order 22 (2005), 73-81.

  • On stability of the Hamiltonian index under contractions and closures (with Hajo Broersma, Enschede, Holandsko, and Liming Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Journal of Graph Theory 49 (2005), 104-115.

  • Hourglasses and Hamilton cycles in 4-connected claw-free graphs (with Tomáš Kaiser, Plzeň, MingChu Li, Tianjin, China, and Liming Xiong, Beijing, China).
    Journal of Graph Theory 48 (2005), 267-276.

  • Hamiltonian decompositions of prisms over cubic graphs (with Roman Čada and Tomáš Kaiser, Pilsen, and Moshe Rosenfeld, Tacoma, U.S.A).
    Discrete Mathematics 286 (2004), 45-56.

  • On traceability and 2-factors in claw-free graphs (with Dalibor Fronček, Ostrava, and Zdzislaw Skupień, Kraków, Poland).
    Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory 24 (2004), 55-71.

  • Cycles through given vertices and closures (with R. Čada, Pilsen, and E. Flandrin and Hao Li, Orsay, France).
    Discrete Mathematics 276 (2004), 65-80.

  • On local and global independence numbers of a graph (with Ralph J. Faudree and Richard H. Schelp, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 132 (2003), 79-84.

  • Regular clique covers of graphs (with Dan Archdeacon, Burlington, U.S.A., Dalibor Fronček, Ostrava, Robert Jajcay, Terre Haute, U.S.A., and Jozef Širáň, Bratislava, Slovakia).
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 27 (2003), 307-316.

  • Contractibility techniques as a closure concept (with Richard H. Schelp, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Journal of Graph Theory 43 (2003), 37-48.

  • Closure and forbidden pairs for hamiltonicity.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B 86 (2002), 331-346.

  • A note on hamiltonicity of generalized net-free graphs of large diameter (with J. Brousek, Plzeň, and R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002), 77-85.

  • Forbidden subgraphs implying the MIN-algorithm gives a maximum independent set (with J. Harant, Ilmenau, Germany, and I. Schiermeyer, Freiberg, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 256 (2002), 193-201.

  • A note on degree conditions for hamiltonicity in 2-connected claw-free graphs (with O. Kovářík and M. Mulač, Plzeň).
    Discrete Mathematics 244 (2002), 253-268.

  • Strengthening the closure concept in claw-free graphs (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands).
    Discrete Mathematics 233 (2001), 55-63.

  • On factors of 4-connected claw-free graphs (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands, and M. Kriesell, Hannover, Germany).
    Journal of Graph Theory 37 (2001), 125-136.

  • On weights of induced paths and cycles in claw-free graphs (with J. Harant, M. Voigt, Ilmenau, Germany, S. Jendroľ, Košice, Slovakia, B. Randerath, Aachen, Germany and I. Schiermeyer, Cottbus, Germany).
    Journal of Graph Theory 36 (2001), 131-143.

  • Clique covering and degree conditions for hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs (with O. Favaron, E. Flandrin and Hao Li, Orsay, France).
    Discrete Mathematics 236 (2001), 65-80.

  • Claw-free graphs with complete closure (with A. Saito, Tokyo, Japan and R.H. Schelp, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Discrete Mathematics 236 (2001), 325-338.

  • Closure concepts - a survey (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands, and I. Schiermeyer, Cottbus, Germany).
    Graphs and Combinatorics 16 (2000), 17-48.

  • Closure and stable hamiltonian properties in claw-free graphs (with S. Brandt, Berlin, Germany and O. Favaron, Orsay, France).
    Journal of Graph Theory 34 (2000), 30-41.

  • Closure, 2-factors and cycle coverings in claw-free graphs (with A. Saito, Tokyo, Japan, and R.H. Schelp, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Journal of Graph Theory 32 (1999), 109-117.

  • Induced S(K1,3) and hamiltonian cycles in the square of a graph (with M. El Kadi Abderrezzak and E. Flandrin, Orsay, France).
    Discrete Mathematics 207 (1999), 263-269.

  • Claw-free and generalized bull-free graphs of large diameter are hamiltonian (with R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A. and I. Schiermeyer, Cottbus, Germany).
    Tatra Mountains Math. Publications 18 (1999), 105-113.

  • Forbidden subgraphs, stability and hamiltonicity (with J. Brousek, Plzeň and I. Schiermeyer, Cottbus, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 197/198 (1999), 143-155.

  • Forbidden subgraphs, hamiltonicity and closure in claw-free graphs (with J. Brousek, Plzeň and O. Favaron, Orsay, France).
    Discrete Mathematics 196 (1999), 29-50.

  • Closure and hamiltonian-connectivity of claw-free graphs (with A. Saito, Tokyo, Japan, B. Bolobás, O. Riordan and R.H. Schelp, Memphis, U.S.A.).
    Discrete Mathematics 195 (1999), 67-80.

  • 2-factors and hamiltonicity (with I. Schiermeyer, Cottbus, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 191 (1998), 171-177.

  • On a closure concept in claw-free graphs.
    Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B. 70 (1997), 217-224.

  • Factor criticality and matching extension in DCT-graphs (with O. Favaron and E. Flandrin, Orsay, France).
    Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory 17 (1997), 271-278.

  • Dirac's minimum degree condition restricted to claws (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany). 
    Discrete Mathematics 167/168 (1997), 155-166.

  • Matching extension in K1,r-free graphs with independent claw centers.
    Discrete Mathematics 164(1997), 257-263.

  • Claw-free graphs - a survey (with R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A. and E. Flandrin, Orsay, France).
    Discrete Mathematics 164 (1997), 87-147.

  • Local connectivity and cycle extension in claw-free graphs (with R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A., and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Ars Combinatoria 47 (1997), 185-190.

  • Unifying results on hamiltonian claw-free graphs (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Tatra Mountains Math. Publications 9 (1996), 31-39.

  • Shortest walks in almost claw-free graphs (with O. Favaron, E. Flandrin and H. Li, Orsay, France).
    Ars Combinatoria 42 (1996), 223-232.

  • Toughness and hamiltonicity in almost claw-free graphs (with H.J. Broersma, Enschede, The Netherlands and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Journal of Graph Theory 21 (1996), 431-439.

  • Forbidden subgraphs and pancyclicity (with R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A., R.J. Gould, Atlanta, U.S.A. and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Congressus Numerantium 109 (1995), 13-32.

  • The flower conjecture in special classes of graphs (with I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory 15 (1995), 179-184.

  • Forbidden subgraphs and cycle extendability (with R.J. Faudree, Memphis, U.S.A., and I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    J. Combin. Math. Combin. Comput. 19 (1995), 109-128.

  • On the independence number in K1,r+1-free graphs (with I. Schiermeyer, Aachen, Germany).
    Discrete Mathematics 138 (1995), 365-374.

  • Hamiltonicity in claw-free graphs through induced bulls.
    Discrete Mathematics 140 (1995), 141-147.

  • Almost claw-free graphs.
    Journal of Graph Theory 18, (1994), No. 5, 469-477.

  • N2-locally disconnected graphs.
    Discrete Mathematics 121 (1993), 189-193.

  • Factors of claw-free graphs (with Zbigniew Lonc, Warsaw, Poland).
    Czechoslovak Math. Journal 41 (116) (1991), No. 1, 120-130.

  • Hamiltonian circuits in N2-locally connected K1,3-free graphs.
    Journal of Graph Theory 14 (1990), No. 3, 321-331.

  • Factors and circuits in K1,3-free graphs.
    Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Banach Centre Publications, Vol. 25, PWN, Warszawa 1989, 137-145.

  • Matchings and cycles in K1,3-free graphs.
    Graphen und Netzwerke, Proceedings of the 33rd Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, GDR, 1988, 243-245.

  • Graphs with non-isomorphic vertex neighbourhoods of the first and second types.
    Čas. pro pěst. mat. 112 (1987), No. 4, 390-394.

  • Locally disconnected graphs with large numbers of edges (with B. Zelinka, Liberec).
    Mathem. Slovaca 37 (1987), No. 2, 195-198.

  • On graphs with isomorphic, non-isomorphic and connected N2-neighbourhoods.
    Čas. pro pěst. mat. 112 (1987), No. 1, 66-79.

  • A contribution to the state model of electric network with excess capacitors (with D. Mayer, Plzeň).
    Acta technica ČSAV 27 (1982), No. 5, 517-531.

  • 3-polytopes of constant tolerance of edges (with S. Jendroľ, Košice).
    Comment. Math. Univ. Carol. 22 (1981), No. 4, 843-850.

  • On asymptotic stability of linear circuits with lumped parameters (with D. Mayer, Plzeň).
    Acta technica CSAV 24 (1979), No. 4, 459-465.

  • On asymptotic stability of linear passive electrical networks.
    Aplikace matematiky 24 (1979), No. 1, 48-55.

  • Analytic solution of transient phenomena in complicated linear electrical networks (with D. Mayer and B. Ulrych, Plzeň).
    Elektrotechnický obzor 64 (1978), No. 3, 137-145 (in Czech).

  • Investigation of steady-state of physical systems with periodic inputs (with D. Mayer and B. Ulrych, Plzeň).
    Acta technica CSAV 23 (1978), No. 2, 132-138.

  • A contribution to the modelling of electrical systems by electrical networks (with D. Mayer, Plzeň).
    Elektrotechnický časopis 29 (1978), No. 1, 4-20.

  • On weak non-linearity of models of physical systems (with D. Mayer, Plzeň).
    Aplikace matematiky 22 (1977), No. 4, 301-310.

  • Textbooks (in Czech)

  • Teorie grafů a diskrétní optimalizace I
    Pracovní texty přednášek

  • Teorie grafů a diskrétní optimalizace II
  • Pracovní texty přednášek

  • Diskrétní matematika (spoluautoři R. Čada a T. Kaiser, Plzeň).
    Skripta ZČU Plzeň, 2004.

  • Linární algebra II - Úvod do diskrétní matematiky (spoluautor J. Holenda, Plzeň).
    Skripta ZČU Plzeň, 1992, 1995, 2000.

  • Sbírka řešených příkladů z počtu pravděpodobnosti (spoluautor J. Brousek, Plzeň).
    Skripta ZČU Plzeň, 1991.

  • Vybrané partie z teorie grafů (spoluautor J. Holenda, Plzeň).
    Učební text, VŠSE Plzeň - k.p. Škoda Plzeň, 1986.
  • Graph Theory Hymn

  • Brief history
