Proceedings IP 2009 

Environmental Impacts of Power Industry


25.5. - 7.6. 2008
Pernink, Czech Republic


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Gerbeth, Gemende, Eichert, Krautheim ... Vergleichende Testung unterscheidlicher Adsorbenzien zur Entfernung Von Schwefelwasserstoff aus Gasgemischen vor deren Einsatz als Brenngas in Hochtemperaturbrennstoffzellen
Medveď Utilization of Energy Storage Systems
Šafařík, Noháčová, Královcová. The influence of wind power plant on environment in the Czech Republic
Beneš, Martínek Combustion of biomass in fossil power plants in the Czech Republic
Ščerba Biomass as a source and as a perspective of the renewable energetic in the world, Europe and in the Czech Republic
Čačková, Dedinská, Kvakovský Infraheating – Heat of future
Lizák, Semtančík Evolution and future of wind energy in Europe
Dedinská, Čačková, Kvakovský Biomass and ITS impact on the environment
Semtančík, Lizák  Geothermal resources
Kvakovský, Dedinská, Čačková Utilization of heat pumps in building heating system
Skočil,Gomis-Bellmunt, Montesinos-Miracle Passive and Active Methods of Islanding for PV systems
Noháčová, Šafařík, Královcová Entwicklung der Ausnutzung von Biomasse in Pilsen


Other teaching materials
Muhr Developments in Diagnosis of HV Apparatus
Haller Some aspects of windpower supply into electrical grid
Medveď Heating of Ferromagnetic Materials up to Curie Temperature by Induction Method
Shridrar Energy and Power Management
Coban Environmental Impacts of Power Industry: A North American point of view
Buhawa Modeling of Electric Power Networks