Jiøí Sitera

Czech version

University of West Bohemia Pilsen, Center for Information Technology, Laboratory for computer systems.

Fields and projects

University of West Bohemia distributed computing environment. support.zcu.cz
CESNET, Czech National Research and Education Network (NREN) creator and maintainer.
Supercomputing and grid environment of Czech republic MetaCenter. European grid initiative, EGEE projects, grid middleware gLite.
EurOpen.CZ - Czech Open System Users' Group.
Regional CISCO networking academy. Practical learning of networking technologies.
LDAP, directory services in distributed computing environment, management of distributed computing environment.

Photo gallery

Here you can find some of my pictures.

My personal info - basic information and contact page.
This homepage contains only basic information and is used for presentation of papers. If you want more, please feel free to contact me via e-mail.

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Jiøí Sitera  sitera(at)civ.zcu.cz
Version: $Date: 2010/01/06 10:56:33 $