Karel Hruska

personal website


My name is Karel Hruska and currently I am an employee of Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of West Bohemia. My main workplace is the Department of Electromechanics and Power Electronics, whereas I am also partly employed at Regional Innovation Centre of Electrical Engineering. Both affiliations form my tasks at UWB - as an employee of KEV I mainly teach subjects related to electric machinery, as an employee of RICE I am involved in research in the same field.

I bound my fate with University of West Bohemia after graduation at The First Czech Grammar School in Karlovy Vary. Then I started my studies at University of West Bohemia's Faculty of Electrical Engineering, where I have passed all three degrees of presence studies - bachelor degree, study program Electrical and Power Engineering, finished with bachelor thesis focused at Electrical Machines for Traction, following master's degree, study program Industrial Electronics and Electromechanical Engineering, enclosed with master's thesis Reactance of a Conductor in a Slot and doctoral degree, study program Electrical Engineering, finished by dissertation thesis Induction Machine's Special Cage Windings. After finishing my studies at Faculty of Electrical Engineering I have stayed here as an employee of Department of Electromechanics and Power Electronics and Regional Innovation Centre for Electrical Engineering.

On this website you may find information about subjects I teach and my research activities at UWB. The students may find useful section Education, which includes information about subjects I teach and I taught, but also some education texts. For my (future) associates I have prepared section Research, which includes my work experience in detail. Finally for open source enthusiasts the sections Open Source and Downloads are ready together with long-term maintained repositories for LibreOffice. If you are interested in any topic mentioned on my website, do not hesitate and go to Contact section, where you will find my contact information at UBW.

Karel Hruška

Sent by SMS

2017-03-20 - LibreOffice 5.3.1

As LibreOffice is successfully growing bigger and bigger, it has overgrown my public directory, so I had to make an ugly chage in my RPM repositoriy - closing the i586 section. Since e.g. openSUSE was not released since 2014 in the i586 version, I hope, that this change will affect only a minor part of users, which won't hopefully hate me for that. I apologize to all, who got into trouble by this change, but it was not possible to keep the consistency and content any longer.
