Richard Lipka, ZČU


  • R. Lipka,
    Methodology for comparison of different traffic control agents
    Computing and Informatics
    Odesláno k recenzování, 2011
  • T. Potužák, J. Šnajberk, R. Lipka, P. Brada,
    Component-based Simulation Framework for Component Testing using SpringDM
    Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, Vienna, 2010, p 1241
  • R. Lipka,
    Reconstruction of turning directions at the intersection
    Annals of DAAAM & Proceedings, Vienna, 2010, p 1237 
  • R. Lipka, P. Herout,
    Scenario-based approach to agent's evaluation
    Proceedings of the 9th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, September 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-01-04588-6


  • R. Lipka, M. Kacerovský, D. Hrbáček
    Timeline visualisation tool
  • D.Hartman, P. Herout, R. Lipka
    Simulátor městské dopravní sítě JUTS 


  • R. Lipka
    Java code profiling
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2013
  • R. Lipka
    Simulation of Signal Bus of a Road Vehicle 
    DSS  Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2012
  • R. Lipka,  T. Potužák
    Advances in implementation of the component testing tool
    D3S departement meeting
    Praha, 2012 
  • R. Lipka
    SimCo - Creation of Components
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2012
  • R. Lipka
    Testing of Component-based Application
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2011
  • J. Šnajberk, T. Potužák, R. Lipka
    Model-based integration testing
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2010
  • R. Lipka
    System for Comparison of Traffic Control Agents’ Performance
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2009
  • R. Lipka
    Comparison of Different Traffic Control Methods
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2008
  • R. Lipka
    Java Urban Traffic Simulator
    DSS Working Group Seminar
    Plzeň, 2007 

Kvalifikační práce 

  • R. Lipka
    Informační systém pro tělovýchovnou jednotu
    Bakalářská práce, FAV ZČU
    Plzeň, 2005
  • R. Lipka
    Uživatelské rozhraní simulačního systému JUTS
    Diplomová práce, FAV ZČU
    Plzeň, 2007
  • R. Lipka
    Verification and validation of JUTS
    Technical Report
    Plzeň, 2008
  • R. Lipka
    System for comparison of traffic control agents
    Technical Report No. DCSE/TR-2009-01
    Plzeň, 2009
  • R. Lipka
    Scenario-based methodology for comparison of the software traffic control agents
    Disertační práce
    Plzeň, 2011
Last edited: August 29, 2024, 10:12
Richard Lipka, ZČU
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