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32. On Bayesian estimation in an exponential distribution under random censorship

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Záznamy o publikaci. Další informace mohou být na stránce "projektu" Článek v časopisu Kybernetika (2007).
AutorMichal Friesl and Jan Hurt
NázevOn Bayesian estimation in an exponential distribution under random censorship
VydánoKybernetika 43 (2007), no. 1, 45--60
AbstractThe paper gives some basic ideas of both the construction and investigation of the properties of the Bayesian estimates of certain parametric functions of the parent exponential distribution under the model of random censorship assuming the Koziol-Green model. Various prior distributions are investigated and the corresponding estimates are derived. The stress is put on the asymptotic properties of the estimates with the particular stress on the Bayesian risk. Small sample properties are studied via simulations in the special case.
Key wordsExponential distribution, random censoring, survival data analysis, reliability, Koziol-Green model, Bayesian estimates, Bayesian risk, conjugate priors, asymptotic properties, small sample properties, simulation study
Impact Factor (2005)0.343 (~ 47.2% mediánu kategorie)
Paper in journal(http) Paper in journal - published version
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