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22. Aplimat 2013 (Bratislava)

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Záznamy o vystoupení.
AutorMichal Friesl, Blanka Šedivá, Petr Tomiczek
NázevEntrance test from mathematics at the University of West Bohemia
KdeAplimat 2013
Datum5.-7. únor 2013
AbstraktIn this paper we present the entrance test from the mathematics at the University of West Bohemia. This test is held annually since 2006. Firstly we describe the entrance test and summarize the aggregate results of students. Secondly we compare the obtained data about input mathematical knowledge of a student with subsequent student outcomes achieved in the course of his/her studies. We relate the results of the entrance examination to successful completion of mathematical subjects included in the first year of study.
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Adresa http://home.zcu.cz/~friesl/Archiv/Apl13Vyst.html Udržuje Michal Friesl, friesl@kma.zcu.cz