MLC interface driver
MLC_drv.h File Reference

Header file for MLC driver. More...

#include "stdint.h"
#include "platform.h"
#include "MLC_drv_config.h"
#include "MLC_ext_module.h"
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Data Structures

struct  mlc_info_t
struct  mlc_adc_result


#define BASE_ADDRESS   0x00004000
#define BASE_ADDRESS   0x60000000u
#define WRITE_AD_CONF   0x0000
#define WRITE_PWR_OUT   0x0001
#define WRITE_SETRES_AD   0x0002
#define WRITE_CLRRES_AD   0x0003
#define WRITE_DBGLEDS   0x0004
#define READ_VER   0x0000
#define READ_AD1   0x0001
#define READ_AD2   0x0002
#define READ_AD3   0x0003
#define READ_HV_INPUT   0x0004
#define READ_ARC   0x0005
#define READ_UIO   0x0009
#define READ_PCB_REV   0x000F
#define RW_CS_EXT1   0x0006
#define RW_CS_EXT2   0x0007
#define RW_CS_EXT3   0x0008
#define RW_UIO   0x0009
#define RW_UIO_CONF   0x000A
#define READ_FPGA_VER   0x0010
#define RW_FPGA_LED_REG   0x0011
#define WRITE_LCD_DISP   0x0012
#define FPGA_RESERVED_13   0x0013
#define FPGA_RESERVED_14   0x0014
#define FPGA_RESERVED_15   0x0015
#define FPGA_RESERVED_16   0x0016
#define FPGA_FAULTS_ADDR   0x0017
#define FPGA_RESERVED_18   0x0018
#define FPGA_RESERVED_19   0x0019
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1A   0x001A
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1B   0x001B
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1C   0x001C
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1D   0x001D
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1E   0x001E
#define FPGA_RESERVED_1F   0x001F
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_DATA   0x0000
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWMA   0x0100
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWMB   0x0200
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWMC   0x0300
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWMD   0x0400
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWME   0x0500
#define FPGA_LEDS_SHOW_PWMF   0x0600
#define AD_CH1   0x1
#define AD_CH2   0x2
#define AD_CH3   0x4
#define AD_SOCA   0x1
#define AD_SOCB   0x2
#define AD_SOCC   0x4
#define AD_OS0   0x0000
#define AD_OS1   0x0001
#define AD_OS2   0x0002
#define AD_OS3   0x0003
#define AD_OS4   0x0004
#define AD_OS5   0x0005
#define AD_OS6   0x0006
#define AD_RNG_5V   0x0000
#define AD_RNG_10V   0x0001
#define AD_SOC_ALL_DEFAULT   0x0000
#define AD_SOC_CH3_SOCA   0x1000
#define AD_SOC_CH3_SOCB   0x2000
#define AD_SOC_CH3_SOCAB   0x3000
#define AD_SOC_ALL_SOCA   0x4000
#define AD_SOC_ALL_SOCB   0x5000
#define AD_IN0   0
#define AD_IN1   2
#define AD_IN2   4
#define AD_IN3   6
#define AD_IN4   8
#define AD_IN5   10
#define AD_IN6   12
#define AD_IN7   14
#define DMA_ADCH1   AD_CH1
#define DMA_ADCH2   AD_CH2
#define DMA_ADCH3   AD_CH3
#define PCB_REV_1   0x1
#define PCB_REV_2   0x2
#define PCB_REV_3   0x3
#define CHECK_BTN_S5()   !GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO28
#define CHECK_BTN_S8()   !GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO29
#define CHECK_BTN_S6()   !GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO30
#define CHECK_BTN_S7()   0
#define CHECK_BTN_S5()   !GpioDataRegs.GPFDAT.bit.GPIOF8
#define CHECK_BTN_S8()   !GpioDataRegs.GPFDAT.bit.GPIOF9
#define CHECK_BTN_S6()   !GpioDataRegs.GPFDAT.bit.GPIOF10
#define CHECK_BTN_S7()   !GpioDataRegs.GPFDAT.bit.GPIOF11
#define CHECK_BTN_S5()   gioGetBit(gioPORTA, 3)
#define CHECK_BTN_S8()   gioGetBit(gioPORTA, 2)
#define CHECK_BTN_S6()   gioGetBit(gioPORTA, 4)
#define CHECK_BTN_S7()   gioGetBit(gioPORTA, 0)
#define MLC_WRITE(addr, data)   *((volatile uint16_t*)BASE_ADDRESS+addr)=(uint16_t)(data)
#define MLC_READ(addr)   *((volatile uint16_t*)BASE_ADDRESS+addr)
#define FPGA_check_faults()   MLC_READ(FPGA_FAULTS_ADDR)
#define NO_FAULTS   0x3F
#define DAC_CH_A   0
#define DAC_CH_B   1
#define DAC_CH_C   2
#define DAC_CH_D   3
#define DAC_CH_E   4
#define DAC_CH_F   5
#define DAC_CH_G   6
#define DAC_CH_H   7
#define dac_reset()   MLC_DAC_reset()
#define dac_control   MLC_DAC_control
#define dac_write   MLC_DAC_write
#define write_dac   MLC_DAC_write
#define dac_init()   MLC_DAC_init()
#define dac_sel_channel   dac_sel_ch
#define dac_variables   dac_values
#define DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE   0
#define DEBUG_LEVEL_ERR   1
#define DEBUG_LEVEL_WRN   2
#define DEBUG_LEVEL_INFO   3
#define DBG_ERR_PUTS(str)   puts(str)
#define DBG_WRN_PUTS(str)   ;
#define DBG_INFO_PUTS(str)   ;


void DELAY_US (float us)
void MLC_init ()
void MLC_global_enable ()
void MLC_global_disable ()
void MLC_PWR_on (uint16_t pwr)
void MLC_PWR_off (uint16_t pwr)
void MLC_DBG_set (uint16_t dbg)
void MLC_DBG_clear (uint16_t dbg)
__inline void MLC_write (uint16_t addr, uint16_t data)
__inline uint16_t MLC_read (uint16_t addr)
void MLC_ADC_reset (void)
void MLC_ADC_setup (unsigned int os_1, unsigned int os_2, unsigned int os_3, unsigned int rng_1, unsigned int rng_2, unsigned int rng_3)
void MLC_ADC_setup_SOC (uint16_t adsoc)
void MLC_ADC_start_conv (void)
void MLC_ADC_start_one_conv (uint16_t channel)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC1_read (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC2_read (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC3_read (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC1_get_res_ptr (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC2_get_res_ptr (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC3_get_res_ptr (void)
volatile mlc_adc_resultMLC_ADC1_get_res_strptr (void)
volatile mlc_adc_resultMLC_ADC2_get_res_strptr (void)
volatile mlc_adc_resultMLC_ADC3_get_res_strptr (void)
volatile int16_t * MLC_ADC_read (volatile int16_t *ad_res, uint16_t ad_addr)
unsigned int MLC_ADC_wait (void)
float MLC_ADC_calc_volt (int16_t value, uint16_t range)
void MLC_ADC_enable_isr (interrupt void *handler)
void MLC_ADC_disable_isr (void)
void MLC_DMA_enable_isr (uint16_t channel, interrupt void *handler)
void MLC_DMA_disable_isr (uint16_t channel)
uint16_t MLC_DMA_active (void)
void MLC_DMA_activate (void)
void MLC_DMA_deactivate (void)
void MLC_LCD_write_to (uint16_t pos, char chr)
void MLC_LCD_write_str (char *pStr, uint16_t pos)
void MLC_LCD_clrscr (void)
void MLC_DAC_reset (void)
void MLC_DAC_control (uint16_t cmd)
void MLC_DAC_write (uint16_t count)
void MLC_DAC_init (void)
void MLC_SCI_init (uint32_t baudrate)
void MLC_SCI_send_char (char c)
void MLC_SCI_send_str (char *str)
char MLC_SCI_recv_char (void)
char MLC_SCI_char_avail (void)
char MLC_SCI_wait_send (void)
void MLC_SCI_send_char_wait (char c)


mlc_info_t MLC_info_struct
uint16_t dac_values [8]
uint16_t dac_sel_ch [8]

Detailed Description

Header file for MLC driver.

The MLC driver is used to control hardware platform named MLC (Multi Level Converter) interface.

It provides all necessary logically named constants to provide easy using of designed hardware.

The driver also provides functions to configure and use all hardware onboard.

Tomas Kosan

Definition in file MLC_drv.h.